
tug of war during fundraising event

Great People Everywhere

Throughout the past two years, we have had the opportunity to meet many people at events and functions we have been to and the one thing that I find interesting is that there are always those people that you just know make things run smoothly.

At the University of Waterloo we were invited to their annual barbecue and when we showed up we were met by Pat. Pat works in Building Services and it seems everyone knows him and he makes everyone feel like they can go to him to get things done. He was not the only one helping get set up and there were many other people who were a great help as well, but Pat had all the answers and still had time to chat to everyone who stopped to say hi. Later in the day he could be seen helping out at the dunk tank.

Every event seems to have that one person who just makes things happen and these are the people we find so interesting when we are setting up at events.

The year has been excellent so far and we have many more events to come. If you see us at an event come up and introduce yourself, we would love to meet you.