
Bottled Water Rant

As we promote our water stations to festivals and events across North America we come upon all kinds of people and all different reasons they need our stations from reducing waste to adding value by offering free filtered water.

The flip side of that is all the reasons events can’t possibly use these stations. Most reasons to not use them is access to water, space constraints and cost. We can help with all these in different ways from sponsors we work with to smaller units and on-board water storage.

The one reason that I just recently came across for an event to not use our stations was that the bottled water sponsor they are working with wrote into the contract that they weren’t allowed to have a free water station at the event. I find this funny as the one argument that bottled water companies use continuously to get their products into schools and events is that people need to have choice. What kind of choice are they offering events when people can’t choose free filtered water that allows them to spend that money on food and souvenirs.

We say let the people choose. From the response we have had over the past three years, people are coming to expect free drinking water access.  We just need them to push free water stations with event organizers, like the one that recently told me that when it comes event time he becomes a bottled water salesman. At what cost to his patrons and the environment doesn’t seem to matter.

Stay Hydrated and we’ll see you at the better festivals and events this summer.